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Lilac Honey LIlac Recipes

Lilac Honey

This fragrant easy to make infused honey is a super way to use and enjoy the fabulous lilac blooms


  • Lilac flowers
  • Raw Honey


  1. Cut the lilac flowers off the stem with scissors and put into a pint size glass canning jar.
  2. Fill the jar with lilac blossoms
  3. Pour the raw honey into the jar to completely cover the flowers
  4. Allow the honey + flowers to sit for a couple of hours.
  5. Use a chopstick or other non-metal utensil to poke about the flowers to allow any air bubbles to release
  6. Add more honey to the jar to cover the flowers
  7. Typically, the lilac flowers will float to the top of the honey.
  8. Put the lid on the jar and allow the honey to infuse for a minimum of a week, ideally 4-8 week.
  9. Stir the mixture daily (or as often as possible) to boost the infusion
  10. When ready, scoop out the flowers with a spoon. (or keep them in the jar, they are edible!)

Recipe Notes

Lilac honey will store for at least 6 months in your pantry