Enjoy your next festive meal "even more" with the addition of a tasty bitters formula which can allow you to enjoy your time with family + friends, during those times when we may slightly over-indulge! This Thanksgiving, pull together one of these quick formulas or order one from my ideas below to have on hand!
No time for making or ordering? Save these ideas for later in 'the season' and plan to incorporate some bitter greens into your feast ~ don't discount the the value of just a few bites of the bitter taste!! Some of the best ideas for digestive support and bitter greens can easily be added to your meals! There are many to choose from, so take a peek at this post for a complete list of options ~ all will boost digestion!
It's a big topic, but it's one of my favourites. Since the majority of my clients, and probably most of the 'western world' is in need of some digestive support, the topic of just how to help, is an important one!
I've shared "The top 10 reasons to take bitters" plus a discussion herbal energetics (warming vs cooling) here... and today I am sharing some ideas to help you buy a good quality digestive bitter or make a good quality tasty bitter formula at home!
The ages old tradition of eating a simple green salad to begin a meal is based on the use of the bitter taste to encourage better digestion. Lettuces, chicory, endive, arugula, dandelion, to name a few, can stimulate receptors in the mouth, and get the 'juices flowing' to create a cascade of events which get that all important digestive system 'humming'!
In the botanical apothecary, there are cooling bitters as well as warming bitters.
In the botanical apothecary, there are cooling bitters like Artichoke leaf, Chamomile flower, Chicory root, Dandelion root, Gentian root, Horehound herb, and Motherwort herb as well as warming bitters which include, Angelica root, Fenugreek seed, Licorice root and Turmeric root.
With this in mind, we can create a blend that can be taken on a daily basis or even year after year to support and promote better digestive function.
As most bitters are cooling, they are easier to find and sometimes ARE indicated. After a heavy meal, a warm cup of Chamomile tea, simple as it sounds, can truly relieve 'that feeling' and help our digestive process.
However, if you are wanting to nourish your liver and if you only take cooling bitters, over a period of time, the cooling action actually decreases ‘stomach fire’ (as it’s called in TCM and Ayurveda) and inhibits digestion. Keep this in mind when using bitters as a digestive aid for long time use.
Cooling Bitters:
Warming Bitters
Angelica root
Fenugreek seed
Licorice root and
Turmeric root
Warming herbs + spices "additives"
Here's an example of a "well-balanced" tasty bitters formula:
Angelica Root - 1 part
Dandelion Root - 2 parts
Gentian Root - ½ part
Ginger Root -½ part
Cardamom - ¼ part
Orange Peel - ¼ part
I tend to prepare each of these separately as tinctures, and combine when I want to make a bitter with a particular purpose.. the possibilities are endless! I made a small jar of this one, last weekend. I used the following: 1 part = 1 tablespoon tincture. It's easy and herbalists often use 'parts' to explain a formula as this allows us to make a small or large amount and still stay on 'formula'.
No time to make your own at the moment? Here's a few of my own favourites:
As always I love to talk about my friends at Healing Spirits Herb Farm who make some fabulous bitters. If you want to support a delightful family business who grow or ethically wildcraft all of the ingredients in their formulae!
Can't think about the glory of bitters without sharing a favourite bitters company
Urban Moonshine.
Here's to wonderful days ahead ~ with much laughter + delicious meals .... and may we enjoy it all ~ with love and good wishes, Carol xo
Tessa Simpson
I want to visit that herbal farm! My husband's family is in the finger lakes region too....I've always wanted to try bitters, I know they can be a great digestive support...and as you said...we could all use some additional digestive support!! Is there a brand you recommend that we can buy on amazon?
Carol Little
HI Tessa.. Yes -- I could make some for you... lol.. but if you are looking for one that is SO good... via Amazon.. here's a link: https://amzn.to/2J0IUwP
It's for my friend Joy's company--- Urban Moonshine.. Fab u Lous!
linda spiker
Bitters are so helpful! I have recommended them to so many since they were recommeneded to me :)
Carol Little
Great. I am on a mission to make these a mainstream norm! THanks!
I'm a big fan of bitters and love incorporating them into my diet as well as in tincture form. So many great suggestions here, thanks!
Megan Stevens
So many great insights and creativity options; thank you!!
Shelby @Fitasamamabear
Want to come to my house and help me get started making all of these?! I need to be better on my herbal game!
Renee D Kohley
Ohhh this is such a great idea! I always put off taking bitters but could definitely enjoy them with those warm and sweet spices!
Catherine Baez Sholl
Didn't know anything about bitters, really. Great information!
Raia Todd
Love this! Digestive bitters have helped me SO much. I've made a couple different blends so far, and right now I'm trying chamomile, licorice, and cloves. Very warming... haha.
Carol Little
Yay YOU!!!
This is perfect timing for that after Thanksgiving indigestion and bloating. Great information!