There's finally 'a warm feeling' in the air, here in southern Ontario. We often have a few spring days or weeks and then it's suddenly SUMMER! Who knows what this year will bring, but we are ALL so hungry for warmer weather that there's a slight desperation -- province wide.. Is it OVER ? Are we having SPRING yet? Last Sunday, while out in my garden, enjoying the first GREEN sprouts from my beloved Motherwort, I took a deep breath and exhaled a sigh of relief. I think it's here (I'm just whispering this.. Afraid to shout it from the porch-top!)
SPRING -- THE perfect time to lighten up -- in every way. THE perfect time to support AND nourish our digestive and lymphatic systems. We can make detoxifying choices without going through a major cleanse. In fact, it's not a good plan for many of us. The 'CLEANSE' is an often over-used term and sometimes we can benefit from a more gentle approach. We can support and nourish ourselves, while making lighter, detoxifying, anti-inflammatory food choices. This sounds complicated but it's not!
Stay tuned for some ideas below and here
Some new "Lemon Balm Babies" ready to share!
SPRING -- THE perfect time to embrace some new habits.. We are all busy and new habits require a commitment. Join ME this spring -- Embrace a new habit each week.. CHOOSE ONE from the list below, and start with that ONE~
Dry Skin Brushing is EASY ~ Not only does this brushing feel good; the action helps to to slough off dead skin cells, which helps our skin to release toxins and 'breathe'.
Hydrate! Drink good quality water and herbal tea. Avoid Cola and limit caffeine.
Moving your body is going to inspire the lymph system to MOVE too! Unlike the circulatory system which relies on the heart to pump our blood, the lymph fluid 'pumps' through our body when we are active. Take a brisk walk every day. If you 'out' doing errands, get creative. MOVE! Every day -- even a limited amount of exercise will activate your lymph fluid and consequently, help your body filter out unwanted toxins.
Rebounding is also wonderful for getting the lymph system flowing. Jumping/bouncing a few minutes each day is great for all the muscles in your body.
Essential Oils
can also be used to stimulate your lymph glands. You can massage essential oils diluted in a carrier oil like almond oil, into the lymph gland areas of the body to encourage circulation.
Herbs ~
In the world of herbal medicine, we use a type of herb called a "lymphatic" to support our lymph system. Lymphatic herbs promote detoxification. They improve lymphatic drainage generally and specifically, they support the lymph nodes as well as help with reduction of lymph node congestion. I always think of the 'nodes' as the "police station". Toxins and other unwanted debris are whisked along in the lymph (fluid) and 'held at the police station' or lymph nodes until they can be 'drained'. This is why one may find 'swollen lymph' nodes to be a sign that we are 'fighting off an invader'.
Here are some examples of good lymphatic herbs:
Purple loosestrife
Stay tuned for a more in-depth look at these lymphatics (my own personal favourites)
...and how to use them for your best health!
Foods, as well, can support us -- in our quest to detoxify and support our lymphatic system. Pay attention to your meals. Choose food that is as close to 'whole' and un-adulterated as possible.
Avoid :
Artificial preservatives, colours, flavours, stabilizers.
Avoid foods that are fried, and difficult to digest.
Avoid excessive sweets. (Choose foods naturally sweetened)
Avoid 'white foods' (like white bread, rice, pasta etc.)
SPRING CLEANING and DETOX includes our entire environment -- it's a big topic!
Here's a link to an e-report from a while back. I hope you enjoy it and find it helpful! It's one of the first posts I wrote, it has lots of easy recipes!
I'm a little behind in my OWN house's spruce up for Spring.. That's happening ASAP!
GOOD LUCK ~ love to hear about your own adventures with detoxification of YOU!!
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