You can soothe your skin with herbs anytime, but consider wintertime's havoc on our skin and read on! The winter months can indeed be a challenge for your skin care regimen! In and out of the cold and then, poor indoor air quality can combine to 'wreak havoc' with, even normally healthy skin.
At the risk of stating the obvious; HYDRATE! It's more important than ever to drink good quality pure water, often. Herbal tea for winter health? Check this post here.
I've made my own skincare products for years, and still make some customized creams for my clients. These are the ultimate 'pure skincare products', of course; made in small batches and with wonderful often organic ingredients, with specific skin types in mind. There are, however some good choices, available from your local health food store. READ labels, when choosing skincare products, just like at the grocery store!
Here are some ideas for ingredients to watch for:
Some ingredients have cleansing and toning qualities that make them important for a long-term natural skin-care program; all are suitable for any type of skin.
Calendula. Combines well with lavender or chamomile for its anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic capabilities.
Chamomile Flower. Anti-fungal, soothing and cleansing, chamomile flower is the best way to reduce frequent inflammation. The infusion is especially recommended for the fragile skin around the eyes.
Elder Flower. A gentle cleanser, toner, and astringent, elder flower may also be used to reduce inflammation.
Lavender Flower. Soothing for all skin types, lavender, reduces inflammation and cleanses;
Mint. Ideal mild skin toner.
Rose Flower (petals) Normalizes skin pH. Reduces inflammation, cleansing, anti-wrinkle, anti-bacterial
Soothing. Combines well with glycerin or witch hazel to create fabulous toners, creams.
Rosemary. Antiseptic, toning and vitalizing, rosemary improves blood circulation in the capillaries. Use alone or in a half-and-half mix with yarrow for a more astringent effect.
Yarrow. Particularly good for aging or damaged skin, yarrow is recognized as a toner, astringent and antiseptic.
TRY THIS EASY Nourishing facial Spritz and soothe your skin with herbs!
Your skin will love it!
To Make an Herbal Infusion ******
Use an ample tablespoon of dried chopped herbs or petals to 250 ml (1 cup) of boiling water. Place the herbs in a mug (or a glass canning jar) and fill it almost to the brim with water. Infuse for 10 minutes, strain, reserve the liquid, and allow to cool before using. Apply with a cotton pad or place in a spray mister bottle if you prefer. Dab the cooled tea onto your skin or spray several times a day or as needed.
Herbal infusions don't last long ~ 10 -12 hours or so, in the fridge.
Imagine keeping a cup of tea for days??
You can, however, place the strained and cooled infusion into ice-cube trays and keep it in your freezer for as long as three months. To use, just rub a cube directly on your face, neck and arms for a cooling and hydrating effect. This also has a toning action because it quickens the blood circulation in the capillaries of the dermis.
Here's to soothing your skin with this easy herbal infusion !
xo Carol
Awesome article.