Today? I wanted to share some simple ideas for nourishing and caring for ourselves.
Topic: YONi* Steams (aka herbal vaginal steams)
Before you say… WHY would I want to know more about this?
That is often the reaction I receive when I teach about this simple treatment. Personally, I believe that each part and certainly each body 'system' can benefit from specific foods and herbs and special care.
Whether or not we have 'issues' "down there", caring for our vaginal tissues and uteruses, is a GOOD thing to add to our lives.
*Yoni~ Sanskrit word for vagina; honours the goddess Shakti (or Devi) in Hindu beliefs. Has been an affectionate term in women's herbal circles for decades.
Wiki here.
Herbal vaginal steams, are a longstanding traditional treatment used by healers worldwide to support and cleanse the uterus. This powerful remedy is known to lessen bloating and pain and exhaustion associated with menstruation. It can also be useful in treating endometriosis, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, uterine weakness or prolapse, vaginal tears or episiotomy after childbirth. These soothing steams can also help to soothe hemorrhoids and can be an important aspect in the treatment for chronic vaginal yeast infections.
I have shared this info and taught countless women about herbal vaginal steams with much success over the years for the above situations. One very notable 'specific' time for success with a series of vaginal steams?
When brown or dark purple blood is present at the beginning or end of menses. Whether a young teen just beginning this journey, or a peri-menopausal woman approaching the end of 'moon time', this simple herbal concoction offers support!
Yoni Steam
It's an easy process. Use the best quality herbs you can access.
Use a combination of these herbs for the best results:
Calendula (flowers)
Lavender (flowers, leaves)
Motherwort (leaves and flowers if possible)
Mugwort (leaves)
Oats (milky oat tops)
Partridge Berry (leaves)
Rose petals
Yarrow (flowers, leaves)
Add the herbs you are using to a pot of simmering water (with lid)
Allow to steep for 5-8 minutes.
Pour into a basin.
Organize a way to relax with the steam having access to your 'nether-regions'.
I have an old chair that is missing it's woven seat. Some women find it easiest to use a small stool or ottoman. It sounds awkward but women are creative and find ways in their home to make this work.
I think it's important to note that any woman can benefit from 'Yoni Steams'.
One doesn't need to have an imbalance or 'issue' to enjoy the gifts of an herbal steam for our reproductive system. Try a series. This may become a new ritual for you and the gals in your life!
For more information about the very wise Rosita Arviga, click here.
Thank you I was strugleling with that, shall I or shall I not? Especially I read it can benefit by helping to release old trauma, unresolved emotions, shame etc. I experienced steaming after the birth of my first child which was prepared by my mother a bunch of leaves that was boiled and poured in a bucket that I sat on. She only did it once, I don't know why she didn't repeat it with my other children. Any herb recommendation for my age.
Carol Little
Hi again. Frantzie, if you are asking re herbs for the steam, for women in 70s.. All of these are great for all women.
Roses and Calendula are my favourite but truly --it's about finding fresh vibrant flowers and accepting the healing gifts.
If you are wanting to release old trauma, there are many ideas in the plant addition.. Bach flowers are magical.
Be well.
Can a 70 yrs old woman benefit from yoni steam
Carol Little
Hello Frantzie. I think all women can benefit from self care and 'yoni love'!
It's a very individual question.. but yes.. We can all benefit from nourishment.
Thank you Carol. I love this. And my vagina will love it too. I'm going to go treat myself and her. xox
Carol Little
Thanks for writing Forest. I hope you (both) enjoy the experience! xo
Just an FYI, Shiva is not a goddess. He is one of the three primary gods in Hinduism (Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu). However, Shiva's wife Parvati (also incarnated as Kali or Durga) is definitely a goddess.
Carol Little
THANKS so much for your comment Shaili. That was a late night 'typo'. I have corrected the post.
I intended to type "Shakti". I hope that this is now correct. I sincerely appreciate your helpful comment.
Good green wishes to you.
Chloe @ How We Flourish
I love this. I have heard of vaginal steams, but never knew much about them. Thank you for sharing. I learned a lot and I may have to try this if I ever get my hands on all those herbs.
Carol Little
You are most welcome. I hope you try a steam-- even just a simple one ~ the blend is ideal but not necessary!
I have never heard of such treatment before. I have a friend who could really benefit from this. Thank you sooo much for sharing this knowledge!
Carol Little
I am thrilled to hear that you know someone who can benefit. Vaginal steaming is a personal practice that all women can benefit from.. do share with your circle.. Thanks for the kind words.
You have introduced me to a whole new world here. Thank you so much for sharing!
Carol Little
Krsytal, so glad to hear. I am always learning too. Thanks for your kind words.
Raine Saunders
Although I don't currently have a tub I can use, it sounds pretty amazing! I bet it feels great! Thank you for sharing! So interesting and likely very supportive of health! :)
Thank you for sharing this! I was not aware of anything like this and it sounds fantastic! Pinning!
Carol Little
You are so welcome. SO thrilled to teach you something new.. I am learning always.. Hopefully other women will hear from you and so.. it.. goes.. to help whoever needs it.
Megan Stevens
The herbs used sound great. I should have had this after my first baby. I've never heard of it until now. Thanks for sharing it.
Carol Little
Thanks Megan. Please share with your peeps!
Anna @Green Talk
How amazing. I could have used this steam after I had kids. Does it matter if you went through menopause already?
Carol Little
That's the thing I love about this herbal tradition. It's for ALL women.. The powerful yet tender actions of the herbs help to soothe, nourish, tone tissues.
Emily @ Recipes to Nourish
This is such a lovely tradition that has been around for long, but so many don't know about it. This was recommend to me by a dear friend that I saw postpartum for maya abdominal massage.
Carol Little
Thanks Emily for writing in. We can make this a ritual in our lives and nourish ourselves -- as teenagers, as young women, as new moms, and onward!