Herbalists are always creating new ways to add our beloved herbal medicines into LIFE!
Have you heard of Zoom balls? Years ago, my friend and mentor, Rosemary Gladstar, taught our apprenticeship class about the glorious ritual of making little balls from nut butters and herbs, with specific ‘healing ideas' in mind. Since then, I’ve made too many versions to count. These tasty little confections (i.e. tasty herbal medicine) are simple to make and kids love them! I hope you'll try these!
These Herb-Infused Energy Balls may change the way you take your medicine!
Have you ever wondered how to get your kids to truly benefit from herbal medicine if they are not into having an herbal tea or some other concoction I've written about or you've tried? Is there a member of your own family who simply is NOT into taking tinctures or 'tisanes' and has no interest in your well-intentions? Welcome to my world!
Check out the original story here.
Here's the online Amazon link to find that version of Rosemary Gladstar's zoom balls ^^source
Over the years, I confess to have simplified the original to a quick-fire version. This is the template which I have created to honour Rosie's recipe and enable my own students and clients to make it easily -- yes.. me too!
Carol's version: Zoom Balls ~ fabulous herb-infused energy balls!
Your template for delicious DIY herb-infused energy balls:
Herb-Infused Energy Balls
Enjoy this super-Easy 'blue-print' for making your own delicious healing herbal medicine bites!
- 1 cup nut butters of your choice mix + match!
- ½ cup tahini roasted sesame seed butter
- ½ cup raw honey more or less to taste*
- ¼ cup coconut flakes plain or toasted or ground oats (toasted)
- 3 tablespoons coarsely chopped almonds or sunflower seeds or your choice, soaked if needed
- 1-2 teaspoon each: cinnamon powder and optional: cardamom powder or your favourite
- 3 Tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder or carob powder
- ½-1 cup powdered herbs ~ specific to your needs** see examples below
Combine the nut butters, tahini and honey in a bowl.
Add the cacao/carob powder and cinnamon plus any nuts or other flavour additions.
Stir to combine thoroughly.
Add the herbal powders.
Combine thoroughly.
Break apart small chunks of the ‘dough’ with your hands and make 1 inch balls.
This can be such a fun project with any ‘small fry’ in your home!
Set aside on a plate or baking sheet covered with parchment paper.
Put the coconut or cocoa (or your choice of ‘rolling’ material) onto a plate.
Roll the balls, gently and press lightly to allow the coconut to stick.
Place in the fridge immediately for 2-3 hours to ‘set up’.
Store in a container, with a good lid.
I tend to use a cookie tin, and separate the layers with parchment paper.
Recipe Notes
(Note: You can also spread the mixture onto a baking sheet and cut into squares; I prefer balls) Store the balls in tins or in glass, in a cool place. They will last for 3 weeks — but don’t count on them lasting that long! SO good! (These freeze well too^^) Optional additions: ¼ cup sunflower seeds, chia seeds, sesame seeds, chopped walnuts, almonds or other nuts. Chopped dates, figs, raisins, dried cranberries, or other good quality finely chopped dried fruits Powdered herbs like allspice, nutmeg, or cardamom –the sky is the limit here. Desiccated coconut, cinnamon or cocoa powders are often my choice for rolling, after balls are formed but I’ve also used finely chopped (and/or toasted) nuts , chia seeds, sesame seeds as coating as well.There’s a long list!
** powdered herbs ideas for customizing these delicate 'balls'.
We can use astragalus root powder as well as Eleuthero and Licorice root powders. This combination is quite adaptogenic in nature (helps us rejuvenate from illness and better deal with stressful situations) We can use nervines too (nervous system support herbs) such as lemon balm or perhaps a favourite mint. Digestive herbs, powdered, can also be very effective if underlying digestive issues want improvement. For a list of some digestive herb ideas, check out this post.
Note: This is a guideline. Your template for you and your family!
These may not be the original Zoom balls, but the idea is the same.
Would you make these? They ARE tasty!
Change the ingredients. Add others, based on what you want to achieve.
You can customize this template to suit your own needs---
NO dairy? No nuts? No fruit?
Your choice! The idea is simply to combine textures + flavours together + add the applicable
herbs to create a yummy "vehicle" to get the goodness into yourself and/or your kidlets' tummies!
This recipe is vegan, vegetaria + paleo! Want to make it without nuts? Use dates, cacao, some dried fruits like mango/apricot or raisins. Add coconut oil or coconut cream as binders and the powdered herbs if using!
^^ This is one of my most FAVOURITE books -- ever. It's a must - have !
Here's another one:
Rosemary Gladstar's Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Health: 175 Teas, Tonics, Oils, Salves, Tinctures, and Other Natural Remedies for the Entire Family
Here's an example of how I use this template with adaptogenic herbs which help us to deal with stress in a healthier way. This is a super recipe for herb-infused energy balls that as absolutely SO delicious and -- the 100s of clients/tasters/family members over 20+ years -- report good feedback and good supportive nervous system 'evening out' and a sort of 'calming alert-ness' ~ ideal for traveling too. Easy to take along and helpful when traversing many time zones and security line-ups. One can also just enjoy these stress-busting balls.. at home. We are often confronted with deadlines for work projects and possibly skip a meal or two --> not a meal replacement but very helpful promoting calm 'focus', for sure.
Herb-Infused Energy Balls: Stress Soothers
1 cup nut or seed butter (e.g. almond, cashew, sunflower seed)
¼ cup tahini
½ cup local raw honey
¼ cup carob powder (or cacao)
1 teaspoon cinnamon powder
½ cup Astragalus powder (online source)
½ cup Eleuthero powder (online source)
1 tablespoon Licorice root powder (online source)
Optional additions:
¼ cup sunflower seeds, chia seeds, chopped walnuts, almonds, etc or "hemp hearts".
Add dates, raisins, dried cranberries, or other good quality dried fruits, finely chopped
Powdered herbs like allspice, nutmeg, or cardamom --the sky is the limit here.
Good quality gelatin and/or collagen from companies like Vital Proteins or coconut collagen creamer
Desiccated coconut or cocoa powders are often my choice for rolling, after balls are formed.
I’ve used finely chopped nuts or chia, sesame or sunflower seeds too.
Combine the nut butters, tahini and honey in a bowl.
Add the carob powder and cinnamon plus any nuts or other flavour additions.
Stir to combine thoroughly.
Add the remaining herbal powders.
Combine thoroughly.
Break apart small chunks of the ‘dough’ with your hands and make 1inch balls. This can be such a fun project with any ‘small fry’ in your home!
Set aside on a plate or baking sheet covered with parchment paper.
Put the coconut or cocoa (or your choice of ‘rolling’ material) onto a plate.
Roll the balls, gently and press lightly to allow the coconut to stick.
Place in the fridge immediately for 2-3 hours to ‘set up’.
Store in a container, with a good lid.
I tend to use a cookie tin, and separate the layers with parchment paper.
These little balls are portable, as I mentioned above. They ‘travel well’ and make a delicious snack for both young and old. The magic of these beloved herbal balls?
They are EASY to make and so tasty. Such a simple way to administer herbs for healing and support!
This version features astragalus root powder. It is often combined with Eleuthero and Licorice root powders. This combination is quite adaptogenic in nature (helps us rejuvenate from illness and better deal with stressful situations)
Variations are countless. One thing is for sure. This recipe above, is a wonderful way to include the powers of adaptogenic herbs in your day!
Choose your combinations based on what your body needs! I have made herb-infused energy balls for immune support, memory enhancement, digestive system power-up, grief support, detox regimens and for 'rejuvenation' after a lengthy illness. We can call upon our herbs for eye health support, anxiety, heart health etc. Whatever you want to nourish ~ it's all in the ball!
Stay tuned for some of my long-time 'medicine ball', bliss balls and more... coming soon!
One last note: These are delicious little bites of goodness -- even without the herbs. If you are new to herbs and a little nervous about adding these healing medicines to your food, you can start with adding a simple nutritive herb like dried + powdered stinging nettles. Wary of all of that green taste ruining your project? Start with ½ cup. Add the powdered stinging nettles and you have created a beautiful YUMMY treat that also helps to reduce 'sensitivities' and used daily may help to alleviate or remove allergies from the body! More about nettles + allergies here!
This 4 0z bag of powdered nettle LEAF is a great way to get started.
{Ensure it's nettle leaf. Nettle seeds impart another healing power-- I promise to share another recipe for the seeds} I have many variations and nutrient dense herbal helping ideas for you and will share these this month so you can get busy with these treats!!
Use your imagination! Please tell me about your endeavors!
Is this a new idea?
Will you try some of these?
I hope you will join me and embark on this fun-filled healing love affair with herb-infused energy balls! xo Carol
NOTE: This post contains affiliate links, FYI.
The photographs of this recipe + all content above are copyright protected. Please do not use photos without prior written permission. If you choose to share this recipe, please use proper etiquette and provide a link back to my original recipe on my blog with proper disclosure:
[the original recipe - "Herb-Infused Energy Balls" by Studio Botanica].
I am excited about sharing herb-infused recipes, as I think you know, and hope that you will make these and be inspired to share with others + make for your family.
If you make + adapt the recipe in any way, but the ideas for adding herbs to create herbal medicine 'bites' is something you learned here at Studio, please, kindly, rewrite the recipe in your own unique words + provide a link back here with proper disclosure for credit. I love to share with readers when new ideas and adaptations happen!
Thanks for understanding! xo Carol
Love the idea. I personally prefer using pureed dates instead of honey because the sugar impact is smaller. Thanks for Stress Soothers recipe. I would love some more suggestions on herbal combinations that would be good. I'm also very curious as to how this is different from the original. A fun type of curiosity. :)
Carol Little
Yes, I have several recipes with various ingredients and one of these days, I'll write them all down!
I hope you'll try the Stress Soothers recipe.
Suggestions for combinations for what purpose? We can use zoom balls for so many different purposes.
Do you have the original recipe? Curiosity? ALWAYS wonderful! green wishes, CL
Carol L
These look really good. I would have to switch out the honey (sad face) for a diabetic approved sweetener, like stevia or monkfruit as I'm diabetic. But I would think that would be ok and not affect the goodness.
Thank you for this recipe!
Carol E
These look pretty awesome. I would need to switch out the honey, unfortunately, as I'm diabetic, but I imagine that using something acceptable for diabetics would be ok. (like stevia, monkfruit, etc..)
Carol Little
Thanks. Yes.. for sure. This recipe is more of a template, really.. and substitutions work well. I've never used stevia in this but I did try monkfruit a while back with a client and she reported good results. I hope you'll try these. SO good!!
This is such a great idea to get some herbs into the whole family! Love them all! :)
Mary Voogt
What a fun way to use herbs!!
I never thought to add herbs to protein balls... what a great idea!
Carol Little
Thanks Meredith. I love making these!
Energy balls are the best! Infusing them with herbs is a great idea!
This is a really great idea. I loved reading about it, and am really inspired to make my own! I have made energy balls, but never with herbs before.
Carol Little
I am glad you like the idea, Tina! Stay tuned -- am working on some recipes that will make it easy to make some 'specific' medicines!
Gabrielle @ eyecandypopper
What a great idea! I love this, talk about Let Food Be Thy Medicine! Although drinking tisane is not difficult in my house, I'm always on the hunt to find new ways to introduce more ways than one to be healthy, so this is great. I know I will be making this for sure!
Carol Little
SO glad to hear Gabrielle! Let me know if you want some ideas re specific 'balls' or stay tuned for upcoming post!
This is such an interesting idea! I have never thought to add medicinal herbs to energy balls - sounds like a fantastic way to incorporate them into daily life!
Carol Little
HI Leslie! Hope you do try them. Let me know what you make, if you do!!
What a great way to enjoy consuming healthful herbs! I'm sure the flavours must be amazing!
Shelby @Fitasamamabear
I never thought of infusing herbs- how lovely!
Great idea! I like that these are so flexible - mixing up the ingredients. They look easy to make too. I wouldn't have thought to add herbs to snacks like this, but seems like a good way to get them in your diet.
Fun and easy idea for getting kids to take herbs in a delicious and painless way. Love it!
I can't think of a more delicious way to take in herbs. This is a genius idea and it accommodates all dietary preferences from paleo to vegan to raw, etc. Love it!
Carol Little
They are also fun to make! I hope you make some. Don't hesitate to write or call with any questions!
Tessa Simpson
Some really wonderful combos!! I really would love to t start using more herbs, and this gives me some great ideas!
Carol Little
Thanks Tessa. I hope that you check in here often -- you'll learn lots about herb-infused goodies!
Love the look of these little "zoom" balls - such a tasty convenient way to work in herbs!
Carol Little
I know, right? So adorable.. Love these little flavourful herb-packed goodies. So easy to 'grab n go' too.
Emily @ Recipes to Nourish
These look great! I love that you can pack them full of all of the herbal goodness. The second book that's listed is one of my favorites!
Carol Little
LOVE finding ways to share about how I infuse herbs into everyday. These are definitely favourites!
linda spiker
Such a pretty, healthy snack Carol!
This is such a great idea to incorporate herbs into your diet! I definitely need to try it.
Carol Little
Jean, I hope you do make your own version. Write with any herby questions, ok?
Raia Todd
I love this idea, Carol! Energy balls (or fudge for me, as I just press it into a pan and cut) are an essential part of my life. Haha. I've only ever tried adding matcha to them, though. Will definitely have to give other herbs a try!
Carol Little
I love pairing the herbs with the elements of these.. and yes.. fudge will also work!! LOL. You have a sweet tooth Raia!!
Megan Stevens
This is such a fun recipe, because I love that basic base and then the versatility of what can be added and varied depending on one's whim or herbal needs!
Lindsey Dietz
Such a wonderful idea! And love that recipe specifically for soothing stress!