Sometimes LIFE is just hard. There are days when we feel just plain sad. Sometimes, the best way to describe our mood is "overwhelmed". I'm not suggesting that any herbal tea will make you jump for joy and feel fabulous after 1 cup. I am suggesting that 3-4 cups of the correct combination herbs ~ can, and does help (even a teensy bit!) One of my definite 'go to' blends was shared with me years ago on Sage Mountain, by Rosemary Gladstar. She calls it "Hearts Ease Tea" and I've made it too many times to count. Friends and clients call it "Grief Support" or even "Grief Relief" tea blend!
Rosemary says:
" This tasty tea is helpful for tension and heartache associated with sadness, emotional stress and/or depression. The herbs included in Heart’s Ease have been traditionally used to support heart health and strengthen the nervous system"
"Hearts Ease Tea" for Grief Support
It's only 4 ingredients!
2 parts Hawthorn berries (+ flowers + leaves if available)
1 part Lemon Balm leaves
1 part Oats (milky green oat tops preferred)
1 part Linden blossoms
Combine these herbs and store in a seal-able jar to have ready when needed.
To prepare:
Pour 1 cup boiling water over 2 teaspoons of the dried herb mix.
Allow to infuse for 15-20 minutes.
Drink 3-4 cups daily.^
^ The therapeutic dose = the number of cups of tea needed to ensure that your body receives enough of the healing attributes of the herbal medicine, to make a difference and cause the desired 'helping' effect. If using this special blend for 'grief support', please ensure that you are drinking 3-4 cups. Why not make a batch every day and enjoy warm, and then as a refreshing iced tea?
Hawthorn ((Crataegus spp.)
Lemon Balm(Melissa officinalis)
Sweet Melissa. Uplifting and promotes clarity. SO many benefits. You just know she is one of my all time favourites. Here's a post with some highlights.
Oats (Avena sativa)
'go to' herb for nervous system support and healing. SUCH a wonderful plant. Oatmeal in the morning. Tea in the later morning and afternoon. Definitely helps to bring calm to stress-filled days or simply build good residual nervous system strength. My favourite place to buy the best OATS (milky oat tops as above)
would be from individual herb farms.
My friends, Matthias and Andrea Reisen, own "Healing Spirits Herb Farm + Educational Centre". Here's the way to find them easily. here.
Linden (Tilia ¥europaea)
This grief support blend tastes good and is designed to soothe and uplift.
You can add other elements if you decide you want to play with flavours!
It's all up to you. The four ingredients combined, and ready?
Drink 3-4 cups per day and nourish yourself. Make this for a dear friend who is stressed or is sad, depressed or experiencing grief.* It's my favourite kind of herbal 'hug'.
It's an alternative for those too busy to create the original 'bulk' herb recipe.
Traditional Medicinals Organic Linden Flower with Hawthorn and Lemon Balm Tea, 16 Tea Bags
I normally add the Bach flower remedies to my herbal medicine for an added dimension of healing.
In this case, there are many possibilities for assistance, but "Star of Bethlehem" is the specific remedy for grief.
Please email me --> if you would like a consult, a bottle of "Star of Bethlehem" or a batch of the tea above.
Adding another idea for helping ourselves in hardship and very sad/trying times.. this one is from The Herbal Academy --
Herbal Grief Tea
Here's the link to the article for you
6 parts motherwort
4 parts rose petals
2 parts each of hawthorn berry, linden, and violet
1 part each of cardamom and cinnamon bark
- Combine herbs and mix well. Store in a labeled glass jar.
- To use, add 2 teaspoons of herbal grief tea mix to 8 ounces of just-boiled water. Steep 10 minutes before straining and composting herbs.
- Sweeten as desired, drink, and enjoy 2-3 cups a day!
I have another post which may be of interest all about some of my go-to "ANXIETY" fighting herbs.. That link is here.
Here;s to better days and finding peace within.xo Carol.
I’m a big fan of herbal teas. Never heard of one to help with grief. Thank you for sharing this.
Raia Todd
It's amazing what herbs can do! Thank you for sharing!
linda spiker
I had no idea there were herbs that help with grief but why not!? If there are herbs that help with anxiety, stress etc, they would they not help with grief as well?!
Emily @ Recipes to Nourish
This is such a special and loving tea! Such a lovely thing to help ease during hard times.