I love to write and share about culinary vinegars which blast our meals with additional flavour. I LOVE making herbal vinegars! Do you?
Let's take that a step further.
What if you could make herbal vinegars which can prevent osteoporosis and possibly reverse it? Guess what? We can!! (and I do!)
Years ago in a very lively herbal class with Susun Weed, she shared her experience with the healing powers of plants and reversal of osteoporosis with herbal vinegars. I have made all of the vinegars in the list below over the last 20 years and taught friends, family members and clients to do the same.
Some infused vinegars draw out so many minerals that, according to Susun,
1 teaspoon of vinegar = 1 cup of milk. She feels that we cause our bones to become brittle when we take calcium supplements in pill form.
Do you drink coffee? As a diuretic, coffee consumption results in increased urination which takes calcium out of the body. Limit coffee to a couple of cups if you must drink it. I know I enjoy a cup of coffee daily! I am more concerned about the folks who habitually drink a pot or 2 daily!
Every cup of coffee consumed removes 5 grams of calcium from our 'stores'.
Herbal vinegars are easy to make and tasty. Use them as a part of a salad vinaigrette or pour a splash into a pasta sauce, soups, chili, casseroles or salsa.
I have found many ways to include these calcium-rich vinegars into my meals.
Sometimes, I add a tablespoon of vinegar to a glass of pure water with a shot of black strap molasses for a mineral boost!
Note: All of your greens will be much more digestible and bio-available if you add 2-3 teaspoons of this vinegar. Steam greens and add this just a moment before serving!
The therapeutic 'dose' is 2-4 tablespoons each day.
Use one or a combination of the following plants to make a
powerful calcium-rich vinegar.
These 3 "healthy bones" greens which are findable at your local market:
Cabbage leaves
Kale leaves
These herbs are best used fresh if possible:
Amaranth (Amaranthus retroflexus) leaves
Chickweed (Stellaria media) whole above ground plant
Comfrey (Symphytum officinalis) leaves
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinalis)leaves and root
Lambsquarters (Chenopodium album) leaves
Lamb's Quarters or Goosefoot is VERY rich in minerals including CALCIUM!
Lavender (Lavandula spp.) ~ more on Lavender
Lemon Balm (Melissa) ~ more on Lemon Balm
Mallow (Malva neglecta) leaves
Mints (Menthes spp.) ~ more on Mints
Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) leaves ~ more on Motherwort
Mugwort (Artemesia vulgaris) leaves
Nettles (Urtica dioica) leaves ~ more on Nettles
Chop nutritious herbs like fresh Stinging Nettle into Apple Cider vinegar + nourish your bones!
Plantain (Plantago majus) leaves
Raspberry (Rubus species) leaves
Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) flowers
Sage (Salvia officinalis) leaves ~ more on Sage
Violet (Viola odorata) leaves ~ more on Violets
Yellow Dock (Rumex crispus) roots
HOW to make your very own infused vinegar!
You will need: Your herb of choice
Apple Cider vinegar
Glass canning jar with lid
Pick fresh herb and fill your glass jar of choice about ¾ of the way full.
Fill almost to the top with apple cider vinegar.
Place the herbs and vinegar in a warm sunny window until the vinegar takes on the rich pungent taste and odor of the herb.
For a stronger vinegar, discard the spent herbs and repeat the process.
This is called ‘double infusion’ and creates a double strength vinegar.
When the vinegar is completed (3-4 weeks), strain and rebottle.
Whichever plants you decide to start with.. DO START making these vinegars. We don't need to be 55 years old to think about bone density and bone health! We can benefit from building strong, healthy bones anytime.
Have you ever made an infused vinegar?
Try making a "therapeutic" or a stepped up version of a culinary vinegar.. and your bones will thank you!
Please share your experience and recipe ideas!
Hi Carol,
What are your thoughts on using dried herbs for these? I have tons of dried lemon balm & nettle.
Carol Little
HI Kate. Thanks for writing. Great question. Fresh is better. Dried will work and is better than not making it at all..
Hope that helps!
Is there a specific herb vinegar you would recommend to start with to treat osteoporosis or are they all equally effective?
Carol Little
That's a great question Sherrie. In my own experience, the herbs I've listed are all available for harvest at differing times. Do you have access to nettle? I always start with missy Nettle..
I love learning new ways to increase calcium intake outside of dairy products. Thanks for sharing!
Carol Little
Me too. Thanks Beth!
Emily @ Recipes to Nourish
This is so cool Carol, I've never made my own before. I've made thyme tincture, but not any vinegars. Love these herbs that are calcium rich!
Carol Little
So easy to make Emily. Hope you try them!
Lindsey Dietz
I had no idea herbal vinegars were rich in calcium! And probably a lot more usable than pills!
Carol Little
Definitely Lindsey. Herbal infusions can provide enough Calcium for us ~ pill versions and other supplements, many times, are not
helpful or necessary.
Hello! I just found your informative website on Traditional Cooking School by Gnowfglins facebook page & I am really loving the info! I have just started growing a few herbs this year & hope to add more soon. I have some beautiful purple basil growing in a large pot on my deck and am wondering how that would be to use. Also, can I use raw, unpasteurized with the Mother? Thank you!
Carol Little
Purple basil will make a lovely vinegar! Yes, use raw unpasteurized vinegar. Many herbalists use it -- the jury is out -- re which is better. Enjoy!
What a great resource. I love using herbal vinegar. (I love susan weed too!)
Herbal vinegars are one of my favorite things!! I've got some yellow dock and rose petal vinegars going right now. They're so delicious!
Sylvie | Gourmande in the Kitchen
What a wonderful way to add much needed calcium to your diet!
Susanne runion
Carol, I love this idea! Since most of us use vinegar anyway, in salads and to make bone broth, why not use the healthiest vinegar possible. It looks really easy and fun to make. i have a lot of clients with concerns about bone loss so I will definitely be sharing this with them.
Andrea Fabry
I love to infuse apple cider vinegar with herbs. I will definitely be adding the calcium boost next time!