As we enter the 2nd year of our world immersed in Coronavirus aka COVID19, I want to share some thoughts and possible herbal insights for treatment with ideas from cherished herbalists around the globe who have experience in the treatment of earlier 'invasions' (H1N1 and SARS, MERS). This is an evolving post and the study of the Coronavirus and Herbs and possible ideas for our well-being will be ongoing. Sending healing good wishes out to you all. Let's be prepared ~ not panic.
Please Note: I am not a medical doctor. I am sharing ideas based on 20+ years of herbal medicine studies and practice. I am NOT telling anyone that I know how to treat this or any other disease. I believe in encouraging self-reliance. I am sharing information that I believe to be truth -- Please read and make your own decisions. I believe that herbal medicine can help in ways that allopathic medicine cannot. I fully respect allopathic medicine but believe that both holistic and allopathic (and the world of mainstream medicine) can work together for our best heatlh.
I have divided this post into 2 parts. The coronavirus and herbs is a big topic.
Coronavirus and Herbs ~ Part ONE
-- You want to learn about herbs that will fortify and support your body and help you to achieve best health -- generally
1. In these early days, I feel that the best plan is to make positive lifestyle changes and add herbs to our days that support our body overall; especially our ability to fight viruses, have fully functioning immune systems and healthy respiratory systems. More ideas here.
I've included lots of herbs in these categories and medicinal mushrooms as well. Use these ideas to help yourself and your family to be in best health possible.
Coronavirus and Herbs ~ Part TWO
-- You need specific info and resources because of possible exposure If the coronavirus comes to visit your life ~ i.e. your town, your workplace, your vacation etc. Consider organizing a possible herbal combination such as the one here.
The supportive herbs in 'part 1' are wonderful allies. Learn about them. Use them for nourishment and support.
Herbalists around the globe are working to create ideas to pull together formulas that, based on what we "think" may be helpful -- may form a 'possible'coronavirus protocol, in an effort to support the 1000s of people in need. Check out the ideas here.
I will add to these ideas as I learn more and as WE know more.. as a community. Please note that
herbalists are all about helping people. We have lots of ideas and are NOT a replacement for allopathic medical experts and treatments. We share ideas based on centuries of traditional herbal practice.
We send only GOOD wishes for your fantastic optimal health --
Part ONE ~coronavirus and herbs.
In this study of how to possibly prepare for and deal with the evolving coronavirus with herbs, several herbal 'categories' come to mind. Antivirals, Immune boosting/supporting herbs, Respiratory herbs, Adaptogenic herbs ~ initially. There are more possibilities but let's start with these. As in any conversation about the herbs in our green world, we see that each herb offers many attributes and many overlap in several areas -- these herbs are good ones to note as they can be essential in a good formula and many can simply be additions to your everyday meals!
Antiviral Herbs:
These herbs are specific for treating viruses helping the body optimum immune system function by fighting viruses. There are more but these have been well researched and are known to support the body dealing with various forms of "flu":
Astragalus (Astragalus propinquus) this has been shown to be effective against the H1N1 influenza and is used by herbalists worldwide to support to overall immune health. I add it to soups and stews all winter long. Read more about Astragalus medicine Here's a favourite recipe for using astragalus to boost immunity in the entire family by making these 'stress soothing' herb-infused ballswhich are easy to make and good for your entire family.
Elder (Sambucus nigra) Elder's berry aka Elderberry is a phenomenal antiviral herb. You will find lots of information about elderberry and elderflower here, as I've written several articles. Learn how to make your own DIY remedies about Elder Medicine.
Here's a super article by herbalist Donnie Yance explaining why elderberry is a safe bet to use at this time.
I make elderberry syrup as well as elderberry tincture and use elderflower often as well. Elderflower makes an effective fever tea when combined with other herbs. More on that here.
Echinacea(Echinacea purpura or E. angustifolia) This is a known immune booster as well as lymphatic herb, excellent help and specific against influenza.
How does Echinacea help us? It improves immune system function and helps us to find "the bad guys" so that we are able to respond to these invaders that cause bacterial, viral or fungal infections.
Garlic (Allium sativum). A food and a medicine this have been shown to be effective against both influenza A and B as well as viral pneumonia and rhinovirus. Garlic is a power house! Read more hereabout the marvels of this all important and not to be forgotten super herb! I have many recipes for how to use garlic everyday! (use my search bar to find them all!) A very recent study reported:
“In conclusion, [garlic] Allium sativum may be an acceptable preventive measure against COVID-19 infection to boost immune system cells and to repress the production and secretion of proinflammatory cytokines.” The researchers are confirming what herbalists have known for centuries. Read more about this report here. (Thanks to Rosemary de la Foret for sharing this!)
Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
This powerful culinary herb is actually SO important ! It's a stimulating antiviral,
anti-inflammatory and expectorant and can help with alleviating congestion and coughs. It is also diaphoretic so it can help bring down a fever. It can be carminative so helpful for any accompanying nausea. (glossary herefor your reference)
For lots more about Ginger Medicine, check out this post.
Licorice(Glycyrrhiza glabra L.) Licorice root is an amazing herb to know. It has been used for centuries to combat viruses. Studies have found that licorice root extracts were able to reduce SARS and MERS-CoV replication. Here's a reference to more info about Licorice and coronaviruses.
https:It is an anti-inflammatory and expectorant as well. Here's an article from the British "Lancet" about Licoriceand worth reading. Licorice has many attributes and is also called a 'secretolytic expectorant'. This is an herb which helps to loosen up and liquefy the mucus in the lungs, which make it easier to cough up and remove mucus from the lungs. Long term use of licorice is not recommended for folks with hypertension.
Lomatium* (Lomatium dissectum) Used during the 1918 pandemic this was invaluable. It has not only antiviral properties but also antibacterial and antifungal.
{Steven Buhner uses Lomatium in his influenza formula}
Osha* (Ligusticum porteri) Another very potent antiviral with specific use for influenza.We use the root of the plant. It is known to soothe a sore throat. It's also a powerful expectorant which helps to alleviate congestion in sinus & lungs promotes ability to take ‘deep breaths'
Highlights: Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti- microbial, anesthetic, antiviral, carminative, diaphoretic, diuretic, decongestant, expectorant, excellent immune supportive herb.
Oregano(Origanum vulgare) It is aromatic and has strong antibacterial properties as well as anti fungal. Because of its use as a digestive aid, it can be great for those who have digestive upset with influenza. I like to put oregano and thyme in a small jar and top with local honey to make an herb-infused healing honey. Take a spoonful or two daily. Want to learn how to make your own?
Check out this post all about making your own herbal honey!
Pleurisy Root (Asclepias tuberosa) This plant was used for antiviral effects but also is an antispasmodic and expectorant. Can also have a mild tonic effect on the respiratory system. In fact, the roots have been used historically in North America to treat asthma, diarrhea and respiratory illnesses. *This is on the UPS To Watch list, be sure to use cultivated sources and use wisely.
*This is a United Plantsavers At Risk medicinal, be sure to get organically cultivated sources and use wisely. For a quick reference to all the UPS at risk plants. Click here.
Adaptogenic Herbs:
This very special category of herbs helps the body adapt to stress, restore metabolic functions and help to restore balance in struggling body. They have gained 'notoriety' over the last years and deserve an entire article singing their praises. In the meantime, though, almost anyone can benefit from taking good quality adaptogenic herbs. Whether caregiver, client, or family member.. we all need these! One of my favourite books about Adaptogenic herbs and how to use them is this one by David Winston.
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) This is anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and an immune system amphoteric (it helps to normalize the immune system.) It is also a nervine and can help with deep relaxation and better sleeps.
Cordyceps (Cordyceps sinensis) David Winston talks about this adaptogen to improve lung function especially with chronic conditions and a “dry lungs with chronic coughing” making it ideal for someone with flu who also may have underlying lung issues.
Rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea) This northern climate adaptogen seems well suited for the flu season. It is antiviral as well as immune stimulant, nervine and antidepressant. My friend Anna Rósa from Iceland uses Rhodiola every day to help uplift clients fighting depression. Rhodiola can be an amazing herb but many suggest using for a few months at a time and then pulsing with other herbs.
Schisandra (Schisandra chinensis) This special berry high in Vitamin C and contains all of the 5 flavours! The five distinct flavors found in the berry correspond to the five phases or Elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Sour (Wood), Bitter (Fire), Sweet (Earth), Acrid (Metal) and Salty (Water) It's also a good expectorant, anti-inflammatory and an immune tonic.
Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) Excellent lung herb with antibacterial, demulcent, antispasmodic, and immune tonic attributes. It works well with “irritable and sticky hard to expectorate coughs.” says herbalist David Winston.
Tulsi/Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum) Tulsi is both an adaptogen but is also an aromatic with antiviral attributes. It is antibacterial, nervine, antidepressant, expectorant and also an immunomodulator.
Lung Herbs to support our Respiratory System:
This group offers one or more of the following benefits:
Act as an expectorant — which helps break up and expel chest congestion. Antioxidants which can reduce redness and oxidative damage. Calming the release of histamines. Fighting the harmful organisms that can produce upper respiratory problems. Soothing irritated nasal passages and airways. Relaxing the muscles near the upper respiratory system to quell a cough.
Learn all about this special classification of herbs. Check out this detailed post here.
So you may be asking, great, here are a big bunch of herbs... Antivirals, Immune system boosters, Adaptogens or Lung herbs ? So what do I do with these? How do I pick the best for me and my family?
How can I benefit from all of this info about the coronavirus and herbs ? I may not be able to individually create formulae for each of you -- what I cando, is highlight my favourite herbs which have the ability to increase immune function, fight viruses and support your respiratory system, generally. You can email me to arrange for a private consult -->
Look at the list of herbs above. I have a suggestion for each herb, a recipe or a resource. USE as many as you are able to add into your day.
Cook with lots of garlic, onions, ginger. Make or purchase some Fire Cider and start taking it daily* Make or buy some Elderberry syrup or get some tincture and take 3x daily.* Take an adaptogenic herbal formula or choose from some of these 'stress-relievers' to help to build up your body with good building tonics.
Make or buy an immune boosting formula and take it 3 x daily.
Start with these ideas. Local Toronto peeps.. * I may have some on hand. and read on to learn about some good medicinal mushroom ideas. Send any questions in the comments or via email.
Prevent and Fight Coronavirus with medicinal mushrooms.
If you are looking for a specific tincture formula that has been created with the hope and plan to prevent and fight the coronavirus,see Part 2 here.
I've been a fan of medicinal mushrooms for many years. It is my deep belief that we can use these amazing plant medicines daily for better health. We can include them in our food, make medicinal preparations with them, and can choose very specific combinations to support our immune systems.
Readhere for my medicinal mushrooms post with good ideas for incorporating into your everyday +
My top pics for Medicinal Mushrooms to support your family now.
Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) Rarely found growing in the wild, it is mostly found in cultivated sources and is fairly easy to grow in right conditions. It is known for its use as a lung herb being analgesic, and immune protective. It has an adaptogenic property that is good for endurance making it an ideal choice for someone with immune challenges. Shown to have antiviral activity.
Shiitake (Lentinula edodes) This is a very edible mushroom and has been used for increasing stamina, circulation, help in the alleviation of arthritis, diabetes and high blood cholesterol as well as immune deficiency. It has been found to be effective in some studies against influenza but also HIV and several bacteria.
Chaga(Inonotus obliquus) Chaga grows in cold environments, like Siberia, Canada, and some colder parts of the USA. Packed with antioxidants like beta-glucans, chaga is often brewed as a tea to help stimulate the immune system, although it can also be ground into a powder and consumed that way to reap the same amount of benefits. I like to make a version of a 'Chai tea' for friends but am a fan of plain 'ol chaga decoction as well. Chaga has been found to provide 100 % inhibition of influenza A and B. It is a strong blood purifier. It has been primarily used for the treatment of a wide variety of cancers
Due to excessive harvesting this is soon to be on the United Plantsavers 'to watch' list of endangered species. Use wisely and harvest ethically or buy from ethical source.
4. Turkey Tail (Trametes Versicolor) Rich in immune-supporting beta-glucans, studies have found turkey tail could be effective in supporting cancer patients whose immune systems have been weakened by chemotherapy. These attributes have the ability to regenerate white blood cells, necessary to ward off infections! It is also thought that the prebiotics in turkey tail may support the microbiome, and so supporting better digestion and the growth of good bacteria.
Per my friends at Healing Spirits Herb Farm:
"We are busy creating herbal formulas from our own plants and those we ethically wildcraft in our vicinity in NY state. We are using North American herbs so that we will have more control over quality and availability ! Please check the websiteand do tell us Carol sent you!"
The information is ever-changing regarding the presence of this invader in our midst. I maintain that preparedness over panic is the best plan. I will update this post as more resources and ideas surface. In the meantime, here's a post I wrote about "prevention" and there's another about medicinal mushrooms, here.
Here's one about culinary herbsthat are also antiviral. Just make good choices and ensure that you have a plan.
This is so timely, and something that we all need right now! Thank you for this article!
I take chaga almost daily. Mostly as a powdered form in my coffee. Or in my coffee substitute.
Thanks Carol! That's fantastic. Do you have a good source for chaga?
Sometimes I just make a pot of chaga decoction and sip during the day but I've never added to my coffee.. mmm..
Thanks Carol, what a great resource. I especially liked being reminded of Lomatium and learning about Osha. We really love mushrooms here. Great pin, too, btw! Pinned!
Hello Stephanie!
There are many opinions about herbal tincture making.For DIY tinctures to be made at home,we mostly
use 80 proof vodka (40% alcohol) The 'folk' method makes some very good medicine. Your choice re which vodka to purchase.
Good wishes! Thanks for writing in.
A lot of Buhner's recommendations include herbs that have to be shipped globally, Asia in particular. Do you know of which herbs that are more common to North America that can be effectively substituted?
HI Jamie.. Agreed.Working on a North American herbal formula -- My friends at Healing Spirits, in conversation with Stephen Buhner and others, are working on this now.. Stay tuned. I will update the article asap xo Carol
Carol L
This is so timely, and something that we all need right now! Thank you for this article!
I take chaga almost daily. Mostly as a powdered form in my coffee. Or in my coffee substitute.
Carol Little
Thanks Carol! That's fantastic. Do you have a good source for chaga?
Sometimes I just make a pot of chaga decoction and sip during the day but I've never added to my coffee.. mmm..
Megan Stevens
Thanks Carol, what a great resource. I especially liked being reminded of Lomatium and learning about Osha. We really love mushrooms here. Great pin, too, btw! Pinned!
Carol Little
You are most welcome. Happy to share my passion -- hoping that you are all very well!!
What proof alcohol should we use for tinctures?
Carol Little
Hello Stephanie!
There are many opinions about herbal tincture making.For DIY tinctures to be made at home,we mostly
use 80 proof vodka (40% alcohol) The 'folk' method makes some very good medicine. Your choice re which vodka to purchase.
Good wishes! Thanks for writing in.
Sarita Bhatt
Are these tinctures and herbal approaches safe for children’s ages 1-3 years old? Thanks.
Carol Little
Generally, yes, Sarita. Please ask specifically -- which ones are you thinking about?
Bethany Chance
Is it effective to use essential oils in a diffuser/simmer on stovetop to treat the air in your home? I read lemon/tea tree was a good choice
Carol Little
Yes. Certainly helpful. I have an article coming out next week with some more ideas re 'steams'
Stay tuned. Thanks for checking in Bethany!
Jamie larrison
A lot of Buhner's recommendations include herbs that have to be shipped globally, Asia in particular. Do you know of which herbs that are more common to North America that can be effectively substituted?
Carol Little
HI Jamie.. Agreed.Working on a North American herbal formula -- My friends at Healing Spirits, in conversation with Stephen Buhner and others, are working on this now.. Stay tuned. I will update the article asap xo Carol