5 herbs in your pantry can = healthy winter!
These herbs are a packed with healing attributes + nutrients. Veritable POWERHOUSE!
I think that we need to be careful -- very careful that we are not trapped "looking for that next trend" in herbs and herbal medicine. I am committed to helping women and their families to use the simple, tried and true ways of traditional herbalism in ways that truly support and nourish and provide optimum health.
There are so many wonderful herbal immune system supporters. These are my go-to winners in this 'department'!
These FIVE HERBS in your pantry ~ plus the following recipes will provide you and your family with the ‘tools’ to keep on top of winter!
CAYENNE – As a circulatory stimulant, Cayenne is used to promote heart health
And blood pressure equalization. It is used for 100s of indications.
Here, I suggest Cayenne as a ‘potentizer’ for the garlic. (boosts the effects of the garlic) It does the same for Vitamin C. It has long been used as an “accentuating agent” – literally boosting the ability of
healing to reach throughout the entire body where it’s needed. It has huge abilities – add a little to your food when possible!
GARLIC – THE most versatile herb! Garlic is anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal,
as well as ‘antiseptic’ to name just a few of many attributes. Raw garlic can both help to prevent a cold or flu but also shorten the 'challenge'. It is a powerful stress-reducer, immune-booster, and supports your liver.
Cooking garlic changes it from SUPER herb to an aromatic culinary herb packed with flavour
but lacking some of the above qualities. If you want it all – Do what I do. Enjoy it cooked and raw
or gently warmed in dishes and benefit from yummy garlic goodness AND it’s powerful punch!
Here's a delicious garlicky recipe to try. It's 'golden garlic paste' Also, here's a garlic honey recipe!
GINGER - Known primarily for its ability to calm an upset stomach or ease motion sickness, fresh ginger root also promotes improved digestion and nutrient assimilation. When the good food that we consume is able to translate into life-enhancing nutrition via the miracle of our body’s pathways to support all body systems, we are strengthened. We also use ginger to minimize the symptoms of respiratory conditions and colds. Make this 'jazzed up ginger juice' ~ a tasty 'shooter' that zings! For more on ginger medicine, here's why it's always in my pantry!
HORSERADISH – I’ve often called it the “herbal heatwave”, and for good reason.
Many curative properties make this fresh root an important member of the group.
It is a strong antibiotic, expectorant and immune booster.
It is used to treat bronchitis, sinusitis, flu and lung congestion. Once difficult to find,
it’s now available at my local grocery store. Purchase a fresh root which is crisp and firm. It's best to grate a little at a time and use the grated horseradish immediately for best effect. Make this fabulous condiment from Poland. Delicious! Here's my fave soup recipe ~ I have it onhand always!
SAGE – This is my “go to remedy” for a sore throat. It makes an excellent gargle, as well as warming, soothing drink, which can also calm a fever. It is known as a diaphoretic herb, which means it sends energy and healing aspects from inner to outer layers of the body, promotes elimination of fluids. In the case of colds or flu, it helps you to expectorate and sweat out the toxins when drunk as a hot tea. One should drink 3-4 cups a day to gain full benefit. This is the therapeutic dose. Here's a post about Sage to inspire you to make sure this one is on hand ~ and this DIY sage tea article.
Hot Curried Onions
Both a medicine and a food, garlic and onions are rich in sulphur, allium, and mucilage. The curry herbs provide warmth, energy, and circulatory heat to the system. Hot, warming, and cleansing ~ will clean intestines out as an added benefit!!
Peel + slice several large onions. Slice into ‘moons’. Chop garlic.
Sauté the onions + garlic in a bit of olive oil & soy sauce. Sauté until
golden and transparent. Add an organic curry blend. Sauté until
done. Serve on toast, rice, or enjoy just like that!
Ginger honey syrup
Slice fresh ginger root very thinly.
I just do this slowly with a sharp knife but you can also use a cuisinart or similar.
Cover the ginger with honey + 'warm'over very low heat for 20-30 minutes;
Strain the liquid into a glass jar and store in the fridge
Warm up a little, as needed.
Alternatively, leave the ginger in the bottom of a jar, and eat for a
healthy treat. The syrup is great stirred into wintertime teas with lemon.
Miso Tahini Paste
- Tahini or Sesame Seed butter
- Nutritional yeast
- Garlic cloves pressed or finely chopped
- Spirulina powder
- Ginger root fresh + grated
- Cayenne powder
- Horse radish- grated
To Make: Mix 1 part Miso to 1 part Tahini or mix proportions to your own taste.
Add remainder of ingredients to taste.
Store in a jar in the fridge.
Recipe Notes
In the fridge --- It will last for months.
Sore Throat/Strep Throat Remedy
Treat at the very first warning signs. An ol’ fashioned gargle
Definitely works, but don’t be dainty about it ! Gargle with great
intentions to get all of the goodness up/down your throat!
To Make:
1 cup Sage Tea
½ teaspoon sea salt
2 tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar
Optional: Cayenne and/or cultivated Goldenseal root (powder)
Gargle every 30 minutes until infection clears.
Sage TEA
I like to use Mason jars with lids for my herbal tea to keep the aromatic healing steams from escaping. Place 1-2 oz of Sage leaves (fresh or dried) into a 1 litre glass canning jar. Pour boiling water to cover and enough to fill the jar.
Place lid on the jar and let steep for 12-15 minutes. The resulting tea can be used as a gargle to ease scratchy or sore throats or as a soothing tea.
Often, the pain will subside before the first cup has been finished! Medicinally, this tea has been used for inflammations of the mouth, tonsils and throat because the mucous membranes are soothed by the volatile oils. (also mouth sores, mouth ulcers).
It’s important to consider frequent supplementation with Echinacea, which is a proven preventative for colds and flu. It’s available in capsules, tinctures and teas. I always recommend THE best method for each herb I use, and with Echinacea, for most people, that would be fresh plant tincture. I make my own and you are welcome to email me for prices. Online here's a great brand:
Herb Pharm Certified Organic Super Echinacea Extract for Active Immune System Support - 4 Ounce
Don’t forget your Vitamin C!! I like to suggest that people rotate their choices of which products to use. I like natural source C and Ester C as well as ‘food sourced’ Vitamin C. Here's the one I am using as my family's supplement at the moment:
Ester C Supreme (120c) Brand: Sisu
ALSO ~ Let's not forget the following:
- Adequate rest ~ TRY!
- 30 minutes of exercise daily – WALK !
- Positive attitude ~ It Does make a difference!
- Optimal combinations of high quality fresh food & pure water
- Sunshine to get your Vitamin D!
PIN for you -- Visit my Studio Botanica Board here.
What is your favourite winter remedy? Here's to great health! xo Carol
Finally ……
Have you seen my WINTER HEALTH ebooks?
They are packed with good solid ideas for you and your family to make and enjoy all year long but especially powerful during the colder months when that pesky cold and those flu viruses abound!
Kiran Dodeja Smith
I love garlic, ginger and horseradish, too - but those hot curried onions sound amazing! Can't wait to try them.
Carol Little
They are delicious AND so effective!! Hope you enjoy and find benefit!
Tessa Simpson
powerhouses indeed!! Sage is new to me, I never knew of it's helpful properties, I just cook with it! I love your ideas!
Carol Little
Thanks so much. yes. Sage is fabulous. I grow as much as I can and am always grateful for my friends' larger garden. I still run out by spring.. often.. Use it and hope you'll find it helpful.
Such a great post! I'll definitely try to incorporate some of these.
Carol Little
I have so many recipes with these 5 helpers.. Overall, it makes a huge difference when we incorporate these food/herb elements!
Renee D Kohley
I'm going to make those hot curried onions! Thanks!
Carol Little
This is definitely one of my 'go to' recipes. I know it appears ridiculously easy but it does help.. and has shortened many a 'budding virus'!
Shelby @Fitasamamabear
I never use sage.. fail haha
Carol Little
Shelby. WHY? IT IS a potent, very fabulous helper!!
What an interesting post. I learned a lot. Thanks!
Raia Todd
This is so wonderful, Carol! I'm definitely trying that honey ginger syrup. Thank you!
Carol Little
Thanks Raia!! Hope you love it!!
Emily Sunwell-Vidaurri
These are some super powerful ones! I love using garlic, ginger and horseradish. Those hot curried onions sound great too! No sage for me right now though since it's not safe for pregnancy, but it sure is a wonderful one for those who are not pregnant or nursing.
Carol Little
Sage later for sure! Congratulations, again Emily! So excited for you!!
linda spiker
I've got most...no horse radish :)
Shelby @Fitasamamabear
Wahoo! I have them all :D I actually love using cayenne now (I used to hate spice) but it works so nicely...
Melissa @Real Nutritious Living
Hot curry onions sound so good!
The Food Hunter
I have three of the five. That's a good start!
Carol Little
Theresa ~ Great! Which ones are you missing?